Kissing may not spread germs, but they certainly lower resistance.
Louise Erickson
So, I've read some forums lately, some rather mainstream while others that make me ponder. It was... an interesting concept. And a very common one, might I add.
Alright, let's face it, ladies, two attractive men kissing is very nice to look at. And also for the men, two attractive ladies kissing is also nice to look at. But here's the question that we shall be pondering in this post: for them? Girls are just as attracted to two guys kissing as two girls kissing to guys is, it's a natural thing. Maybe because it's a taboo to normal society, and I will admit, I am one of the several women who believe two attractive men kissing is hot!
Alright, let's face it, ladies, two attractive men kissing is very nice to look at. And also for the men, two attractive ladies kissing is also nice to look at. But here's the question that we shall be pondering in this post: for them? Girls are just as attracted to two guys kissing as two girls kissing to guys is, it's a natural thing. Maybe because it's a taboo to normal society, and I will admit, I am one of the several women who believe two attractive men kissing is hot!
Now, while I've been looking around the internet, I've noticed something that amuses me. I don't know where it started, but some girl, somewhere, made a sign saying "Will do Yurri for Yaoi". This translates to.. "will kiss a girl to see two guys kiss". Now, most girls have the pretty normal reaction of cringing, as guys do to the theory. But would you pay the price for a prize of kissing? "If my boyfriend kissed another man, they'd deffinitely get laid that night", said an Anonymous friend of mine. It wasn't surprising to me that the girls around her started hooting in agreement. But would kissing another man be a sufficiant payment to getting something from the girl later? Many girls think that this is true, that two men would kiss for the girls, if two girls would kiss for the men.
So I did a little test.
Asking each one of my guy friends, some with girlfriends, some not, I asked them "Would you kiss another guy to see two girls kiss?" And here's the funny thing. I gave the same pole just with different roles to my girl friends. Each of them said "Maybe" to a "yes". Yet... the reply from our boys... every single one of them said "no". Not a maybe, not a probably not, just a dead no.
Why is it that girls would kiss eachother for the men, yet the men would never dare touch another man unless he was completely gay? Because you kiss a member of the same sex, does that mean your gay or homosexual? Of course not! A girl can love everything about a man both mental, emotional, and physical, yet still kiss a girl. So here is my conclusion. We don't kiss each other when we're straight because we're seceretly bi or lesbians. It's because we are more comfortable with the idea of sharing a kiss with a gender that has always been close to us. We see girls hanging off of their friends all the time in school, kissing eachother on the cheeks, and having "marriages" with eachother. Does that mean that they are gay? No, because most of the girls who act the most lesbian are actually much more attracted to men physically.
And now we turn our focus to the boys. If us girls would perform for you, why wouldn't you perform for us? "There's a section of the brain that separates the right from the left, or logic from emotion. In females (of ALL species), this organ is 32% thicker than in males. Therefore, females can easily connect logic with emotion (or communication with emotion).
Logic = communication
Because this connection is more fluent within females then males, there's an unspoken assurance that other females understand that they are a certain "orientation," and kissing another girl would make no difference. However, with males, this connection isn't physically so easy. There's still an insecurity of what their fellow males would think of them. So therefore, they wouldn't do it because they're mainly using their Emotion/Action side, without their "common sense" connecting to the situation. This brain thing is also why girls seem more mature than boys during puberty, and why they start and end puberty before boys. ALSO this is where the stereotype "men are stupid" comes from." -- Alex Bess. Now this of course doesn't group all guys in the same genre, cause some actually would "perform" for the girls. But from what I've gathered, most of them have too high of either dignity, or simple-minded nature to ever come close to another guy's face. If you're not gay. You shouldn't act like such apparently.
I guess that's what seperates us from the male gender.
On a side note, I have never kissed a girl ;)
hey i think you are a really good writter and i hope you make it very far :)