Saturday, December 17, 2011

Beauty Inside and Out

In Hollywood, the women are all peaches. It makes one long for an apple occasionally.

W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM, Gene Shalit's Great Hollywood Wit

So many girls I see now a days are so worried about how they look, act, and who they are, that they spend so much time and money on things that they don't need. Sure, maybe you don't look like that girl in the magazine, and sure, maybe this talk is a bit main-stream. But here's the cold hard truth that girls actually want to hear instead of the old "your perfect the way you are" deal.

Yes. Men are attracted to a pretty face. I, myself, can't date a man that didn't catch my eye at a first glance. Well, it's a same way around. And maybe the girls with baby faces and perfect hair do have an easier time picking up men then a girl who's overweight and zit-faced, but if you know how to work with what your got, then you can have as good of a boy friend as any of the preps! If I may borrow a quote from Julia Roberts: "Men don't care what women look like naked"... odd quote isn't it? Yet so true! They're so bundled up in the excitement that they have a woman that's willing to get naked right before them, that they don't care if you're tubby, or have a few pimples. By that time, hopefully that man is attracted to who you are inside AND out.

I know, I know, "But Vixen! You just said that attraction is a major thing in picking up guys!" And it is! If you can't play the role of the temptress, use your words, your curves, and those beautiful lips all us girls were blessed with! If you can't get a guy to give you a second glance, then move your ass up to them and start a conversation! Flirting isn't rocket science, girls! It's a tool that has been pondered with since the first organism grew a vagina.

The point is, whether your beautiful physically, or not, it's just a different way to go about things to get what you want.

Get zit cream, you fix the zits.

Join a sport, you fix your weight.

Go shopping, have a friend to swoon over you.

Do anything to build your self-confidence, cause that's the sexiest thing to a guy. It's more sexy to a guy than Meghan Fox or Taylor Swift, or any other celeb that's taped to a guy's bedroom wall is. Cause no matter how unappealing you are physically, you can be outrageously gorgeous mentally.

So girls.. put down the overly-applied eyeliner, stop the horrible thoughts about your own body, and start learning how to work the voice box! So what if you don't look like a chick in the magazine? So what if you can't swing your hips? So what if you don't have curves, or soft skin, or the nicest clothes???

The only thing that's shit out of luck unattractive, is low self-esteem. Cause you're your own biggest critique.

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